Tips for Smarter Planning Using SMART Plans

Sharlyn Lauby • October 31, 2018

Conference speakers frustrate me to no end when they present a topic and in the last couple of minutes of the session say something to the effect of “…and I challenge each of you to leave this session and create your own personal action plan to…”


Frankly, they should tell us how to create the action plan.


I didn’t always feel this way about SMART plans. I once worked for a company that every time something went wrong, our President wanted a SMART plan explaining how we were going to fix it. Sad to say, we developed a lot of SMART plans. I thought it was some sort of punishment. It wasn’t until I started studying for my PHR certification that I realized SMART plans have been around for many years and weren’t some dreamt up form of torture from senior leadership.


Anyhoo, back to SMART plans.  SMART is an acronym:


  • Specific – This is a statement of exactly what you would like to accomplish.  Think of it as the who, what, where, when, which and why of the goal.
  • Measurable – The answer to this section should tell you how success is measured.

  • Achievable (or Attainable) – Outline the steps it will take to complete the goal.

  • Relevant or Realistic (some versions use Responsible) – There are two different ways to look at this:  first, the goal must be important to you (i.e. relevant and/or realistic).  Alternately –  are there other people you need to help you reach this goal?


  • Time-bound (some versions use Trackable) – Identify the time frame to achieve the goal.

Over the years, I’ve found the SMART acronym easy to remember so I mold it for setting my personal goals and even use it for creating meeting minutes. I can’t think of a better way to outline what happens at a meeting:


  • Specifically, what are we going to do? ( Specific )


  • How will we measure our success?  ( Measurable )


  • What are the steps that will help us attain our goal? ( Attainable )


  • Who will be responsible for each step?  ( Responsible )


  • When will the task be completed?  ( Timely )

Using the SMART plan for meeting minutes also helps me steer the conversation toward key discussions like “We have a great idea here…now who’s going to take ownership for getting it done?”  And “Thanks Joe for leading this task, when can we expect it to be completed?”


So I hope the next time someone challenges you to develop an action plan, you give SMART plans a try.  Anyone using another method to create personal action plans?  Share what works for you in the comments.

 The post, written by Sharlyn Lauby, appeared first on hr bartender.

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