The Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a unique nine-digit number (00-0000000) assigned to each business entity by the IRS. We will ask for your company's EIN in order to file and pay your Federal payroll taxes.
Apply online for an EIN, or find an existing EIN:
Companies who pay employees in Alabama must register with the AL Department of Revenue for a Withholding Account Number and register with the AL Department of Labor for an Unemployment Compensation Account Number.
AL Withholding Account Number
After your state application has been approved, provide us with your state-assigned Withholding and Unemployment EFT ID numbers.
AL Unemployment Compensation (UC) Account Number
AL Local Taxes
Local taxes are imposed for over 20 counties and cities. Please let your MasterPay USA Payroll Manager know your city or county license payment frequency for each city or county, and we will remit tax payments on your behalf.
Monthly Withholding Tax Liability > $,1000 = Due 15th of following month. Does not apply to quarter-ending months.
A reconciliation form is due last day of the month following quarter ending. Filing is mandatory if there is a zero balance.
Annual reconciliation is filed with federal Form W-2. Balance due can be submitted with the form.
Companies who pay employees in Alaska must register with the AK Dept of Labor and Workforce Development for an Employer Account Number.
AK Employer Account Number
Format: 99999999 (8 digits)
Arizona has state income and unemployment insurance taxes and requires employers who pay employees in AZ to register with the AZ Department of Revenue (DOR) and Department of Economic Security (DES).
Companies who pay employees in Arizona must register with the AZ Department of Revenue for a Withholding Account Number and with the AZ Department of Economic Security for an Unemployment Compensation Account Number.
AZ DOR Withholding Account Number (WAN)
AZ DES Unemployment Compensation (UC) Account Number
Employers who pay employees in Arkansas must register with the AR Dept of Finance and Administration (DFA) for an Tax Account ID Number and with the AR Dept of Workforce Services (DWS) for an Employer Account Number.
AR DFA Tax Account ID Number
AR DWS Employer Account Number
Companies who pay employees in California must register with the CA Employment Development Department (EDD) for an EDD Account Number. If you need to register, click here.
Employer Development Department (EDD) Account Number
The CA Employment Training Tax is automatically calculated for each employee as instructed by the state unless you notify us that you do not pay this tax.
Employees in California use Form DE-4 to claim allowances and filing status for CA state income tax.
Filing Status on Form DE-4
Available filing statuses include:
See the Instructions - 1 Allowances section on page 3 of Form DE-4 for more information on selecting the proper filing status.
Companies who pay employees in Colorado should first register with the CO Secretary of State (if not already registered to do business in CO), then register online with the CO Department of Revenue (DOR) and Department of Labor and Employment (DLE) to receive both a Withholding Account Number and an Unemployment Insurance Account Number within 7-10 days.
CO DOR Withholding Account Number
CO DLE Unemployment Insurance Account Number
Colorado also requires employers to register for an Electronic Funds Transfer Credit ID in order to electronically deposit payroll taxes.
Colorado EFT Credit ID
Register for EFT Credit ID
Companies can register at Colorado Dept of Revenue to receive a Credit ID within 24 to 48 hours. (See these instructions for more information).
Provide this ID Number to your MasterPay USA Payroll Manager once it's issued.
Registering for a Denver Occupational Privilege Tax (OPT) ID
You can apply for a Denver tax ID online here. You will receive a 10 digit confirmation number after submitting the application. Please note, this is NOT your tax ID.
You will see your 12 digit tax ID by logging into your tax account 2-3 business days after submitting your application. We must have your tax ID in order to remit local Denver Occupational Privilege Tax (OPT).
Companies who pay employees in Connecticut may register with the CT Department of Revenue Services (DRS) for a Tax Registration Number and the CT Department of Labor (DOL) for a Employer Registration Number.
The Employer ID number, Tax ID number, and Federal ID number can all be the same.
Additional state registration is not required to transmit payments electronically and file forms electronically for Connecticut.
CT DOR Tax Registration Number
CT DOL Employer Registration Number
Connecticut is an ACH Debit state. We send employer bank information to the state and the state debits the employer directly. This applies to Unemployment and Withholding payments during the quarter and balances due with the quarterly compliance forms.
Forms must be e-filed for bank information to be sent to the state and the state to debit your account.
Delaware Unemployment Insurance Registration
For additional information on Delaware Unemployment Insurance, please refer to their handbook.
Wilmington EIT
Indicate whether the employee is subject to the 1.25% Wilmington EIT. If so, the Wilmington EIT is calculated when a payroll is processed, and the liability for this tax appears as a pending tax payment.
This payment is not sent electronically and is always due quarterly.
Companies who pay employees in the District of Columbia must register with the DC Office of Tax and Revenue (OTR) for an Employer Account Number and register with the DC Department of Employment Services (DOES) for an Employment Services Number.
DC OTR Employer Account Number
DC DOES Employment Services Number
Companies who pay employees in Georgia must register with the GA Department of Revenue (DOR) for a Withholding Account Number and the GA Department of Labor (DOL) for a DOL Account Number.
GA Department of Revenue Withholding Account Number
GA Department of Labor Account Number
Creating a Hawaii Unemployment Profile
Please create an Unemployment account with the state of Hawaii and grant MasterPay USA permission to file returns. Without these permissions, we are unable to file for you.
Hawaii Temporary Disability Insurance Taxes
Employers in Hawaii are required by law to provide TDI (Temporary Disability Insurance) coverage for eligible employees. This will help to cover nonwork-related injury or sickness, including pregnancy. Employers can choose to cover the entire cost, or withhold up to 0.5% of eligible employees' wages towards the cost. Learn more on the HI Disability Compensation Division's site.
Benefits of TDI
TDI is intended to pay replacement wages to employees who cannot work, but does not pay for medical care.
Employees Eligible for TDI
Employees become eligible for TDI benefits after:
Duration of employment may be non-consecutive, and with multiple employers.
Paying For TDI
Employers can purchase TDI from an authorized insurance carrier or establish a self-funded plan. We will withhold TDI taxes from employers if their employer elects to have employees contribute, but will not pay the amounts to the carrier.
The funds remain in the company's account, and the employer is responsible for paying these amounts to the carrier.
Employers who pay employees in Idaho must register with the ID State Tax Commission for a Withholding Account Number and register with the ID Dept of Commerce and Labor for a UI Account Number.
ID Tax Commission Withholding Account Number
ID Dept of Commerce and Labor UI Account Number
Companies who pay employees in Illinois must register with the IL Dept of Revenue to receive an IL Taxpayer ID (with a SEQ number) and a Security Account Number.
IL Dept of Revenue Taxpayer ID Number & Security Account Number
Companies who pay employees in Indiana must register with the IN Department of Revenue for a Taxpayer ID Number and the IN Department of Workforce Development for a SUTA Account Number.
IN Taxpayer ID Number
For each Indiana employee, indicate whether they are subject to county taxes, resident or non-resident.
County tax is calculated first based on residence, then on place of employment.
IN SUTA Account Number
Employers who pay employees in Iowa must register with the IA Department of Revenue (IDR) for a Withholding Account Number, and register with the Iowa Dept of Workforce Development (IWD) for a State Unemployment Tax (SUTA) Account Number.
IDR Withholding Permit Number
IWD UI Account Number
Companies who pay employees in Kansas must register with the KS Department of Revenue for a Withholding Account Number and the KS Department of Labor for an Employer Serial Number.
KS Withholding Account Number
KS Employer Serial Number
Companies who pay employees in Kentucky must register with the KY Department of Revenue for a Withholding Account Number and register with the KY Office of Employment & Training for an Employer ID Number.
KY Withholding Account Number
KY Unemployment Compensation (UC) Account Number
Companies who pay employees in Louisiana must register with the LA Department of Revenue for a Revenue Account Number and the LA Workforce Commission for a State ID Number.
LA Revenue Account Number
LA State ID Number
Companies who pay employees in Maine must register with the ME Revenue Service for a Withholding Account Number and the ME Department of Labor for an Employer Account Number. Apply online for both account numbers.
ME Withholding Account Number
ME DOL Employer Account Number
Companies who pay employees in Maryland must register with the MD Comptroller for a Central Registration Number and an Employer Account Number. Apply online using the combined application to receive both numbers.
MD Central Registration Number (CRN)
MD Employer Account Number (EAN)
Companies who pay employees in MA must register online with the MA Department of Revenue using a Federal EIN. and register with the MA Division of Unemployment to receive an Employer Account Number. MA also requires employers to register their payroll provider with the MA DUA as an authorized third-party administrator to allow the provider to file unemployment taxes in MA.
To file and make associated payments electronically:
1. Create the TPA Relationship, assigning us permission to electronically file unemployment returns and make electronic payments.
2. Review the instructions to assign Third Party Administrator permissions. You must enter:
TPA Name: AccountantsWorld LLC
TPA ID: 100302
Role Definitions: Payments Update and Submit and Employment and Wage Detail Update and Submit.
MA DOR Federal Identification Number:
The State of Massachusetts subtracts withholdings for FICA (Social Security and Medicare) taxes from employees' gross taxable wages before calculating their MA personal income withholdings. If an employee reaches the wage limit for Social Security withholdings, they'll have no more Social Security withholdings. As a result, their taxable wages will be greater, and therefore their personal income withholding will increase.
MA DUA Employer Account Number
Each employer must have an account with the Division of Unemployment Assistance. Employers with valid DUA accounts have previously received instructions about activating their account in the new QUEST system.
To activate your account or log in, go to
For comprehensive documentation on this process, click Employer User Guide on the DUA main page. If you have questions on DUA QUEST processes and features, consult the FAQs and Contact information on their main page.
Employer Medical Assistance Contribution (EMAC)
The Employer Medical Assistance Contribution (EMAC), which replaced the Unemployment Health Insurance (UHI) tax in 2014, helps to fund subsidized healthcare for low-income individuals in MA. Companies who have been around for 2 years or less, or have an quarterly average of fewer than six employees are exempt from EMAC.
EMAC Rates
Employer contributions to EMAC are determined by the company's EMAC rate.
EMAC Supplemental Contribution
Beginning January 1, 2018, employers with six or more Massachusetts employees in a given quarter may be liable for the Supplemental EMAC contribution if the employees are:
Supplemental EMAC Contribution guidelines
Companies who pay employees in Michigan must register with the MI Department of Treasury for a Withholding Account Number and the MI Unemployment Insurance Agency for a UI Account Number. MI also requires businesses to register for city income taxes in a number of cities.
MI Withholding Account Number
MI UI Account Number
Several cities in Michigan have their own local income tax, which is paid by employees who live and work in these cities.
Companies who pay employees in MN must register online with the Minnesota Department of Revenue for a Tax ID Number and online with the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (also known as Unemployment Minnesota) for an Unemployment Insurance Employer Account Number.
MN also requires employers to register their payroll provider an authorized third-party administrator with the Minnesota Revenue and Unemployment agencies to allow the provider to file and pay taxes in MN.
MN Dept of Revenue Tax ID Number
MN Unemployment Insurance (UI) Employer Account Number
The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development has a system for filing unemployment forms and making the associated payments electronically.
Employers must assign permission for us to electronically file unemployment returns and make electronic payments for your payroll clients. Failure to grant this permission results in the electronic file being rejected.
To create this Third-Party Administrator relationship, consult the state's instructions on assigning TPA permissions. Enter the following:
Owners are Potentially Exempt
The following owners/officers are exempt from Minnesota Unemployment Insurance Tax according to Minnesota Law §268.035, Subd.20 (29):
Do not report these owners/officers or their wages on your Unemployment Wage Detail Report unless you have elected optional coverage for them.
How to elect Optional Coverage for Owners/Officers
Employers can elect to cover the wages of owners/officers either online or by phone by calling 651-296-6141, press 4 to speak with a representative.
Companies who pay employees in Mississippi must register with the MS Department of Revenue for a Withholding Account Number and the MS Department of Employment Security (MDES) for an Employer Account Number.
MS Withholding Account Number
MDES Employer Account Number
Companies who pay employees in Missouri must register with the MO Department of Revenue for a Withholding Account Number and the MO Department of Labor and Industrial Relations for an Employer Account Number. Apply for both online at the MO Online Business Registration Portal.
MO Withholding Account Number
MO Employer Account Number
Companies who pay employees in Montana must register with the MT Department of Revenue (DOR) for a Withholding Account Number and the MT Department of Labor and Industry (DLI) for a Unemployment Insurance (UI) Account Number.
MT Withholding Account Number
MT UI Account Number
Companies who pay employees in Nebraska must register with the NE Department of Revenue for an Identification Number and the NE Department of Labor for an Unemployment Insurance (UI) Account Number.
NE ID Number
NE UI Account Number
Employers who pay employees in Nevada must register with the NV Department of Employment, Training, and Rehabilitation (DETR) for an Employer Account Number and Modified Business Tax (MBT) Account Number.
NV DETR Employer Account Number
NV DETR Modified Business Tax Account Number
Companies who pay employees in NH must register with the NH Department of Employment Security (NHES) for an Employer Account Number.
NH Employer Account Number
Companies who pay employees in New Jersey must register with the NJ Department of Revenue (DOR) for an Employer Registration Number, which is used for both NJ withholding and unemployment taxes. Registration can also be done through this form.
Employer Registration Number
New employers in NJ will need to submit an NJ-REG form to the DOR after paying $1000 in wages to be assigned an Experience Rate and Disability Rate by the NJ Dept of Labor and Workforce Development.
Companies who pay employees in New Mexico must register with the NM Department of Taxation and Revenue for a Combined Reporting System (CRS) ID Number and the NM Department of Workforce Solutions (DWS) for an Employer Account Number. NM also requires employers in NM to register their payroll company as a third-party administrator to allow the provider to file and pay their NM taxes.
NM CRS ID Number
NM Employer Account Number
New York companies must register online with the NYS Department of Labor to receive both a Withholding ID and an Employer Registration Number (ERN) within 2 weeks. Registration requires a Federal EIN. Employers should also register MasterPay USA as a third-party administrator to allow us to file and pay NY taxes.
NYS Dept. of Finance and Taxation Withholding ID
NYS Dept. of Labor Employer Registration Number (ERN)
Employers who pay employees in New York and use a payroll provider should register for a PrompTax ID to allow the provider electronically deposit and file NY state and local withholding and transportation taxes.
Enroll online at the NY Business Online Services portal (requires a Business Online account) to receive a PrompTax ID (example: 999999 (6 digits)).
Once you've received the number, provide it to your MasterPay USA Payroll Manager.
To find an existing PrompTax ID, or for difficulty during registration, call the PrompTax Customer Service center at (518) 457-2332.
Metropolitan Commuter Transportation Mobility Tax (MCTMT)
The New York Metropolitan Commuter Transportation Mobility Tax (MCTMT) is paid by certain employers and self-employed individuals in New York's metropolitan commuter transportation district.
Employers Subject to MCTMT
The MCTMT tax applies to each employer who meets the following requirements:
Determining MCTMT Tax Amounts
The MCTMT is a quarterly tax based on an employer's quarterly payroll expense for covered employees. Employer rates depend on the value of payroll in the quarter:
Employers can pay a portion of their estimated MCTMT taxes at the same time as normal withholding (i.e., for each payroll), or in a lump sum at the end of the quarter. Since the true rate can't be determined until the end of the quarter using Form NYS-45, payments made on estimated quarterly payroll expenses may differ from the actual expense. In this case, an additional amount is due at the end of the quarter.
State Disability Insurance (SDI)
Employers in New York are required by law to provide SDI (State Disability Insurance) coverage for eligible employees to cover Off-the-Job Injury or Illness. Employers can choose to cover the entire cost or withhold $0 .60/ week of eligible employees' wages to share the cost of coverage.
Example: $0 .60/ week x 52 weeks = $31. 20
Monthly: $31. 20 /12 = $2 .60
Biweekly: $31. 20 /26= $1 .20
Semi Monthly: $31.20/ 24 = $1.30
Employers who use MasterPay USA can choose to withhold 0.5% of eligible employees’ wages in each payroll for NY SDI. However, we will only withhold, but not pay or file NY state disability taxes for employers. Employers are responsible for remitting these taxes to their NY SDI carrier. Learn more.
Companies who pay employees in NC must register with the NC Department of Revenue (DOR) for a DOR Account ID and register with the NC Department of Employment Security for an Employment Security Account ID.
NC Department of Revenue Account ID
NC Employment Security Account Number
Companies who pay employees in North Dakota must register with the ND State Tax Commissioner for State Tax Identification Number and Job Services ND for an Employer Account Number.
ND State Tax Identification Number
ND Employer Account Number
Companies who pay employees in Ohio must register with the OH Department of Taxation for a Withholding Account Number and the OH Dept of Job and Family Services for an Employer Account Number.
OH Withholding Account Number
OH Employer Account Number
In addition to personal income tax, employees in Ohio pay a local school district income tax (SDIT) according to their home address. Funds collected from this tax are used to support the schools in that district. Like OH state income tax, SDIT is collected through withholding.
Both employees and employers can use the Ohio Department of Taxation's Finder tool to determine, by address, an employee's school district for SDIT withholding purposes. Use the Ohio Department of Taxation's Finder tool to determine, by address, an employee's school district for SDIT withholding purposes.
Employee Responsibilities for SDIT
All residents of Ohio are subject to the tax, even if they were a resident for only part of the year.
Employers Responsibilities for SDIT
Employers are responsible for withholding SDIT from employees at the same time as OH state income tax, and remitting these payments to OH, which will then handle distribution to the districts themselves.
Employers who pay employees in OK must register with the OK Tax Commission (OTC) for a Withholding Account Number and register with the OK Employment Security Commission (OESC) for a State Unemployment Tax (SUTA) Account Number. OK also requires employers to register their payroll provider with the OESC and the OTC as an authorized third-party administrator to allow the provider to file and pay OK taxes.
OK Withholding Account Number
OK SUTA Account Number
Employers who pay employees in Oklahoma should register for an account with the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission's EZ Tax Express employer portal to receive an OK State Unemployment Tax (SUTA) Account Number and to authorize their payroll provider to deposit and file OK unemployment taxes.
To register for an account in the OESC's EZ Tax Express system as new or existing employer:
Companies who pay employees in Oregon must register with the OR Central Business Registry for a Business Identification Number.
OR Business Identification Number (BIN)
Companies who pay employees in Pennsylvania must register with the PA Department of Revenue for an Employer Account ID and the PA Department of Labor and Industry for an Unemployment Compensation (UC) Account Number. Apply online for both at the PA-100 Enterprise Registration System to receive the numbers immediately.
PA Employer Account Number
PA UC Account Number
Companies who pay employees in Rhode Island must register with the RI Division of Taxation to receive an Employer Account Number. Rhode Island uses the employer's FEIN as its Income Tax Withholding Number, and does not issue a separate number for withholding purposes.
RI Income Tax Withholding Account Number
RI Employer Account Number
Employers who pay employees in SC must register with the SC Department of Revenue (DOR) for a Withholding Number and the SC Department of Employment and Workforce (DEW) for a DEW Account Number.
SC Withholding Number
SC DEW Account Number
Companies that pay employees in South Dakota must register with the South Dakota Department of Labor & Regulation.
South Dakota Department of Labor & Regulation
Companies that pay employees in Tennessee must register with the Tennessee Department of Labor & Workforce Development for an Employer Number for Unemployment taxes.
TN Dept. of Labor & Workforce Development
Companies who pay employees in Texas must register with the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC). TX also requires employers to register their payroll provider with the TWC as an authorized third-party administrator to allow the provider to file and pay TX unemployment taxes.
TX Workforce Commission Account Number
Companies who pay employees in Utah must register at the OneStop Online Business Registration to receive both a Withholding Account ID and an Employer Registration Number (for unemployment taxes).
UT Withholding Account ID
UT Employer Registration Number
Employers who pay employees in Vermont must register with the VT Department of Taxes for a Withholding Account Number and register with the VT Department of Labor for an Employer Account Number.
VT Withholding Account Number
VT Employer Account Number
The collection of the quarterly health care contribution has moved to the Vermont Department of Taxes. The Vermont legislature passed Act 73 of 2017 changing the administration of the contribution from the Department of Labor to the Department of Taxes.
The first health care contribution must be made for the 4th Quarter of 2017 on Form WHT-436, Quarterly Withholding Reconciliation and Health Care Contribution, due to the Department of Taxes by Jan. 25.
Companies who pay employees in VA must register with the VA Department of Taxation (TAX) for a Withholding Account Number and an Employment Commission Account Number within 2 weeks. To begin registering, make sure to click Are You A New Business? Register Here.
VA Department of Taxation (TAX) Withholding Account Number
VA Employment Commission (VEC) Account Number
Companies who pay employees in Washington State must file for a business license in WA and register online to receive the necessary tax account and ID numbers and tax rates.
Application Process
Employers who file for a business license in Washington state will receive a number of ID and account numbers from the WA Department of Labor and Industries and Department of Employment Security.
WA Tax IDs
L&I Worker's Compensation Account Information
In the State of Washington, the amount a company pays for worker's compensation insurance depends on the company's risk class and experience factor.
Risk Class in Detail
Companies who pay employees in West Virginia must register with the WV State Tax Department for an Employer Account Number and an Unemployment Compensation Account Number. Apply online to receive both numbers.
WV Employer Account Number
WV Unemployment Compensation Account Number
Companies who pay employees in Wisconsin must register with the WI Department of Revenue (DOR) for a Tax Account Number and the WI Department of Workforce Development (DWD) for an Unemployment Insurance Account Number.
WI Tax Account Number
WI Unemployment Insurance (UI) Account Number
Wyoming does not have state income tax, but has state unemployment and Worker's Compensation taxes, and requires employers who pay employees in WY to register with the WY Department of Workforce Services.
We have been simplifying payroll for clients nationwide since 2009.