3 Ways to Use Online Video to Improve Your Content Marketing

Zac Johnson • September 14, 2020

Ask any online business owner or marketing professional what they need more of, and they will likely say traffic and site content. However, what online marketers and content creators need to be focusing their efforts on is creating better content that will work for them for days, weeks, and even months.

But what we’ve been seeing lately is a never-ending amount of strictly text-based content that overwhelms an audience—something people don’t have time for (nor do you have time to create).

Keeping all of this in mind, it’s important to start shifting your focus from generic 500-word text articles to longer content that is packed with value, images, infographics, and, of course, video. The many benefits of using online video include:

  • To capture attention on Instagram
  • To optimize your video search on YouTube
  • To start trending on Facebook
  • To ask where your target audience is
  • To take advantage of multiple platforms
  • To play around with Snapchat
  • To reach a large audience with YouTube
  • To promote videos on Facebook

Using this information and various video marketing stats and resources from across the internet, today I am going to be focusing on the “video” aspect and highlighting a few different ways you can start using video today in your own content. Best of all, thanks to advancements in online technology and there no longer being a need to have advanced photography or video editing skills to produce videos, it’s easy enough for anyone to get started and begin implementing today.

Whiteboard explainer videos

We’ve all seen whiteboard explainer videos and been sucked in by their amazing ability to keep an audience engaged. However, as amazing as these videos are to watch, it would be even more exciting to have one created for your own business or brand. In previous years, to accomplish something like this you would need to hire an outside design company and likely spend a couple thousand dollars.

Thanks to recent advancements in technology and the use of software-as-a-solution, it’s now a simple process of drag and drop to create animated videos of your own. MySimpleShow , for example, has created a solution for creating explainer videos in just a few minutes, while also offering the full customization of adding your own images and voice-overs. Solutions like these are quickly putting more opportunity into the hands of content creators around the world, while also taking away business from expensive video design teams. This is something we’ve also seen take place in the world of graphic design with drag and drop solutions like Canva.

When it comes to video or graphic design, brands and marketers just want to be able to create something quick and easy without the need to go out and hire an expert or freelance designer. Thanks to software solutions, this is becoming more achievable every day. We already know the power of online video and great visuals for driving leads and traffic. Just don’t forget how powerful video can be for improving site content and helping it go viral.

Quick inspirational videos on social media

We’ve all heard about the power of social media and how it can instantly connect you to billions of users around the world. While this is something we know, not many people are doing this correctly. However, Gary Vaynerchuk is.

Gary was well known in the wine and internet marketing world, but has since crossed over to the mainstream through his use of social media marketing and online videos. His inspirational videos are short, to the point, and constantly getting shared by thousands of people every single day.

You can see an example of one of Gary’s videos here. Within a few days of this video going live, it already had over 300 comments, 2,400 shares, and over 5.2 million views!

So what does this mean for you? Simple. If you have an audience, a decent following, or simply a message you want to put out to the world, use online video! Social media and Facebook are making it extremely easy to create and upload short videos for the world to share. If the content you put out there is great enough, you might just go viral and become the next Gary Vaynerchuk within your niche!

Video marketing on mobile social media and with hashtags

We all know mobile is growing like crazy, and the trend is only going to continue. Take a look at these recent video marketing stats and you will easily be convinced on how important video and mobile marketing will continue to be in the coming months and years. Throw social media and hashtags into the mix and you have a plethora of options to choose from.

So what does this mean for the average content creator and marketer? Simple. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket ( SEO and Google Search ) as more people are looking to social networks and online video for instant gratification. Whether it’s mobile or online, video content needs to be engaging and fun for your audience.

Check out these examples of top brands using video correctly , and expanding their reach through mobile marketing and viewership in the process. Dove, Coca-Cola, Always, and many other brands are using #hashtags and social media to release short videos that not only engage with their target audience, but also are more effective and often get more views than television commercials.

So now the question is, how can you do the same for your brand?

The post 3 Ways to Use Online Video to Improve Your Content Marketing appeared first on AllBusiness.com. Click for more information about Zac Johnson.

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