Conflict inevitably arises in a work environment, especially when tensions rise when working on a project or trying to work together to reach a goal. It’s important to ensure a safe working environment where people feel comfortable expressing opposing opinions.
HR professionals play an important role in helping employees understand how to have workplace disagreements in a healthy manner. Below, 16 leaders from Forbes Human Resources Council each share one piece of advice they’d give HR professionals for mediating co-worker disputes.
Forbes Human Resources Council members share their insights. Photos courtesy of individual members.
Create a sense of assurance by scheduling the meeting in advance. Provide clear communication on the rules of engagement. Discuss the goal of the session and have participants reaffirm their commitment. Promote conversational turn-taking. Create autonomy by engaging individuals in decision-making. Schedule a time to follow up. At the heart of all conflict lies great ideas and true innovation.
HR's goal in mediation is to help maintain a respectful interaction for the parties involved in the dispute. Each party should be able to safely express their perspective, while also feeling that they have been heard. HR can ask clarifying questions, as they help steer the conversation toward a resolution.
One piece of advice is to cultivate an image of always being candid and benevolent. Once people know that you will provide feedback or handle conflict with the future of the good relationship in mind, they will be more receptive. Being always kind-heartedly honest and direct, people will know that your message is meant well and endeavors to invest in the relationship. - Philippe Clarinval, Carlton Hotel St. Moritz
HR has typically taken on the stigma that they are manager advocates and tend to advocate less for the employee. A true HR professional should not take sides but more so advocate for what is best for the company. The HR professional should be helping both the manager and the employee to understand how each person is different and focus on the positive skill vs the negative or conflict.
When you have people working together, conflict will occur, and generally, it is a result of misaligned expectations. Conflict on its own is neutral. It is how we respond to it that it becomes positive or negative. Mediate disputes in a way that channels the conflict into a positive outcome. Ensure both parties feel heard, understood and valued. Help them come out of it with aligned expectations.
Always put the relationship first. Zero-sum solutions invariably lead to lost connections. It's impossible to preserve a relationship with a person who feels mistreated during a conflict dispute. In this way, it's critical that both sides are treated with respect. Remind each party of their value. Then, use compromise and creativity to find a solution that sticks.
HR should never be the first conversation. So many times, employees can experience frustration with another employee and come to HR immediately as the first step in resolving. HR is a powerful, mediating resource when employees cannot solve matters on their own, but they have to make these attempts first before reaching out for HR help.
The keyword here is "mediate." It is not HR's role to solve conflicts for other people. It is HR's role to assist in mediating the conversation because this helps others learn how to better communicate and listen to understand. Too many times, managers bring problems to HR and expect magic wand resolutions and that does not help our managers and employees grow. Coaching on emotional intelligence and communication is a must.
Focus on helping the workforce build conflict management skills and the ability to engage in transparent but tough conversations, as the goal is for employees and managers to be able to manage conflict directly. Reinforce to both parties that respectful disagreement and discussion are normal in any workplace—then focus on impact statements. If handled differently, what would the positive impact on each other be?
HR professionals should take swift action to address the situation and provide each employee with ample time to share their side of the story. It is also extremely important to stress mutual respect during the process, which should help calm some tensions to enable clear thinking. If an employee can picture themselves in others’ shoes, the dispute has a better chance of deescalating.
As a human resources professional, your first goal in mediating conflict is to ensure that each side is being heard clearly. Then, look for common ground and similarities to cool down the disagreement. It is only at this time where you can implement logic to collaborate on a solution or compromise.
Start with an end goal in mind that aligns with all parties and work toward it. Oftentimes, a judgment-free and productive workplace is at the core of that goal. Then address the issues head-on with open dialogue so all involved have a voice. Regardless of the employees’ personalities or work ethics, when that common ground is realized, compromise and synergy are achieved. - Tammy Harper, CAI
Give R-E-S-P-E-C-T. One piece of advice I would give is to maintain respect throughout the entire process. Oftentimes, there are three sides to every story and it’s up to the people involved to come to the table with a mutual understanding and respect. People want to be heard and given a voice, so being able to listen and lead with empathy is vital in mediating disputes.
- Danny Speros, Zenefits
In order to solve a conflict, HR needs to be more empathic and needs to listen to what the other person is actually saying. They need to listen to understand the person instead of listening so that we know when it is our time to argue back. This can help in finding some common ground that can be a good turnover for conflict resolution.
HR needs to play a critical role in creating a psychologically safe environment. It is critical to create a workplace where people understand that it is important to be able to disagree without being hurtful. Everyone should be working towards a common goal and trust that feedback is not conflict and that not all conflict is bad.
Do not tell people that this is not personal. It is absolutely personal but there must be rules of engagement. Create rules of engagement early and reinforce those rules in every situation. Interactions must be respectful, thoughtful, timely and include boundaries. Teach people how to share details in a way that does not find fault, but instead finds common ground.
This article, written by the Forbes Human Resources Council, appeared first on Forbes.
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