In the workplace, skills are typically broken down into two categories: hard skills and soft skills . Hard skills are defined as specific, teachable actions that can be defined and measured. Examples include the ability to use a particular software, arithmetic, or accounting. Soft skills are traits or qualities that make someone a good employee or team member.
Today’s post isn’t about which one is more important. Both are important. But sometimes, we have a tendency to minimize soft skills. Frankly, I think it’s because of the word “soft”. Soft can be misinterpreted as fluffy or unnecessary. Make no mistake – soft skills are incredibly important to our business success. Here’s a list of ten soft skills I regularly hear managers say they want employees to possess:
Like hard skills, soft skills can be acquired. There are three ways to perfect your soft skills:
Hear – Examples are listening to podcasts, webinars, feedback from coaches and mentors, etc.
See – Including reading blogs, articles, and watching role models in action
Do – Set a goal and try it yourself
People have to possess both the technical skills for the job and the soft skills to be an excellent employee. What soft skills do you think are essential for today’s employees?
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